Saturday, October 17, 2009

We have a date :)

Wow, things are coming along over this way. I went for my amnio this morning to have Annika's little lungs checked out and all that good stuff. Was not as bad as I thought it was going to be. Thank goodness. Jim went with me and he has been my support system for sure through all this craziness.

We heard back from the doctor early evening last night that her lungs are mature and since she is in the down position and sitting way low she is more than ready to go. Healthy little one we have in there he said...YAAAAAAAAA.

So, I will be induced on Tuesday the 21st of October at 6:00 PM unless little Annika is ready to leave the nest before then :) lol

I have been having contractions since the amnio this morning and we thought my water broke but nothing has happened since the first indication something might be happening. Just keeping a close eye on things and taking it easy.

We are both so excited and nervous at the same time. I think all will go well but it's just getting through it for the first time ya know. We will keep everyone posted. Parenthood is right around the corner :) YAAAAAAAAAAAA

1 comment:

  1. Wishing you all the joy in the world! Have a perfect and uneventful delivery, will be thinking of you.
