Saturday, July 11, 2009

She's just Beautiful....

This morning was the big event and it was just amazing. We were both all smiles as we watched to see how much Annika has changed in the past 5 weeks. It's just amazing and hard to put into words.

We arrived at the ultrasound place to a line already started out the door. Too funny to see how many pregnant women and their hubbies came out to get a free 3D glimpse at their little ones to be. We were just in awe. Very cool :)

We were called into the room and as I got up on the table and things got started I looked at Jim when we first saw her on the screen and what a proud Daddy he was. That just warmed my heart to see and I will never forget that look for anything :) Her little adorable face is all formed now and she has gained weight since the last time. She sure does love her little hands and feet though. Cracks us up. She is curious She was once again very active and that is always great to see. I know I feel her a lot more now and it makes me smile from ear to ear every time :) Can just never get enough of that good stuff you know :) We ended up getting some pictures put on a CD because no way was I leaving without them :) lol We got some cute ones of her little feet which I think are just the cutest little things ever. kee kee kee We both agree we think she has Daddy's nose and that is a good thing. ha ha ha

She is just awesome and healthy and growing stronger every day. This is all we can ask for and all we pray for over the next 3 months and 1 week :)

We then stopped by the hospital where we will deliver and had a tour of the labor and delivery unit. Very nice area and large rooms. The nurses all seemed very nice and that gives us comfort for when the time comes. All in all a great way to start our day :) YAAAAAAAA

I have attached a few photos from this morning so enjoy. We love her so much already and can't wait for the big day come November.


  1. Oh my goodness! Its been a while since I've been on the web (computer freezing up), so this was a wonderful thing to see once I got things back up and running! I am so happy and excited for you two! She is beautiful! You can see her features and everything! Wow! Congrats! Can't wait until she's here!

  2. She is beautiful! I am so glad to see her happy and healthy! Shawna and Jim
